Maria Falk Mikkelsens research interest include performance information use, performance measures and quantitative methods.
Maria Falk Mikkelsen currently works on her post.doc on the effect of performance information for political trust as well as a project on performance information use among public employees.
Selected publications
Scientific article 16. JUL 2015
Mikkelsen, M. F., Bøtcher Jacobsen, C., & Bøgh Andersen, L. (2015). Managing Employee Motivation. Exploring the Connections between Managers’ Enforcement Actions, Employee Perceptions, and Employee Intrinsic Motivation. International Public Management Journal, 1-23.
Scientific article 19. JAN 2017
Daycare, school and education
Daycare, school and education
Mikkelsen, M. F. (2017). Do Managers Face a Performance Trade-off? Correlations Between Production and Process Performance. International Public Management Journal, 1-29.
PhD thesis 15. JAN 2016
Mikkelsen, M. F. (2016). Effect of Managers on Public Service Performance. Aarhus Universitet. Politicas ph.d.-serie
Report 11. AUG 2010
Social issues
Social issues
Christensen, G., Mikkelsen, M. F., Buchholt Pedersen, K., & Amilon, A. (2010). Boligsociale indsatser og huslejestøtte: Kortlægning og programevaluering af Landsbyggefondens 2006-10-pulje. SFI - Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Velfærd. SFI-Rapport No. 10:15