Christensen, J., & Moynihan, D. P. (2020). Motivated reasoning and policy information: politicians are more resistant to debiasing interventions than the general public. Behavioural Public Policy, 1-22.
Scientific article 2020
Christensen, J., Aarøe, L., Bækgaard, M., Herd, P., & Moynihan, D. P. (2020). Human Capital and Administrative Burden: The Role of Cognitive Resources in Citizen-State Interactions. Public Administration Review, 80(1), 127-136.
Scientific article JUL 2019
Bækgaard, M., Christensen, J., Dahlmann, C. M., Lanng Mathiasen, A., & Petersen, N. B. G. (2019). The Role of Evidence in Politics: Motivated Reasoning and Persuasion among Politicians. British Journal of Political Science, 49(3), 1117-1140.
Christensen, J. (2018). Biased, not blind: An experimental test of self‐serving biases in service users’ evaluations of performance information. Public Administration, 96(3), 468-480.
Scientific article 2018
Christensen, J., Dahlmann, C. M., Mathiasen, A. H., Moynihan, D. P., & Petersen, N. B. (2018). How Do Elected Officials Evaluate Performance? Goal Preferences, Governance Preferences, and the Process of Goal Reprioritization. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 28(2), 197-211.