14. FEB 2017
Didde Cramer Jensen
Management and Implementation
The Social Sector
Management and Implementation, The Social Sector
Key Expertise:
- Administration,
- Civic and user involvement,
- Professionals,
- Handicap,
- Crime,
- Substance abuse,
- Organization,
- mMental health,
- Vulnerable persons,
- Inequality and social heritage,
- Ethics,
- Normative theory
Main areas of work
Didde Cramer Jensen has a broad interest in the socio-political field and finds it meaningful to contribute to social education practice. She has worked intensively with development of methods and interventions targeted at practice, and she is especially interested in how wellbeing and progress for society’s most vulnerable citizens can be achieved through organizational factors.
She has knowledge of a broad range of evaluation and analysis methods and has carried out both research reviews, surveys, impact evaluations, participant observations, interviews, choice experiments, medical technology assessments and randomised controlled experiments.
Didde Cramer Jensen has an MSc in political science from the University of Southern Denmark (2008) and obtained her PhD in Social Science at Aarhus University in 2017. Moreover, she has experience from a consultant position at University of Southern Denmark, where she evaluated welfare interventions and generated knowledge about organizational, economic and individual-oriented effects.
Selected publications
14. FEB 2017
28. OCT 2016
Social issues
Children, youth and family
Social issues, Children, youth and family
Jensen, D. C., Pedersen, M. J., Pejtersen, J. H., & Amilon, A. (2016). Indkredsning af lovende praksis på det specialiserede socialområde. SFI - Det Nationale Forskningscenter for Velfærd. SFI-Rapport No. 16:26
8. OCT 2015
Social issues
Social issues
Jensen, D. C. (2015). Does Core Task Matter for Decision-Making? A Comparative Case Study on Whether Differences in Job Characteristics Affect Discretionary Street-Level Decision-Making. Administration and Society, 1-23. https://doi.org/10.1177/0095399715609383
JUN 2023
Social issues
Social issues
Jensen, D. C., & Mulbjerg Pedersen, M. (2023). A Cross-Sectional Study on the Relationship between Street-level Bureaucrats’ Role Identity and their Discretionary Decision-Making Practice towards Citizen-Clients. Administration & Society, 55(5), 868-891. https://doi.org/10.1177/00953997231157752
JUN 2013
Daycare, school and education
Daycare, school and education
Nørgaard, B., Draborg, E., Vestergaard, E., Odgaard, E., Jensen, D. C., & Sørensen, J. (2013). Interprofessional clinic training improves self-efficacy of helthcare students. Medical Teacher, 35(6), e1235–e1242. Article 6. https://doi.org/10.3109/0142159X.2012.746452
Jensen, D. C., Nørgaard, B., Draborg, E., Vestergaard, E., & Sørensen, J. (2012). Organizational evaluation of an interprofessional study unit: Results from a Danish case study. Journal of Interprofessional Care, 26(6), 497-504. Article 6. https://doi.org/10.3109/13561820.2012.715097
8. DEC 2011
Jensen, D. C. (2011). What is the possibility of citizens to achieve influence on practical policymaking?. Abstract from Danish Choice Modelling Day, Odense, Denmark.
7. JUN 2016
Social issues
Social issues