Amilon, A. (2012). The effects of a Danish legal reform on divorce probabilities and pension savings. review of economics of the household, 13(1), 193-218 .
Scientific article 1. DEC 2013
Labor market
Labor market
Amilon, A., & Persson, I. (2013). Scientific (Wo)manpower? Gender and the Composition and Earnings of PhDs in Sweden. International journal of manpower, 34(6), 658-673.
Scientific article 1. DEC 2010
Labor market
Labor market
Amilon, A. (2010). Active Labour Market Programes, job search and job finding in Denmark. Labour - review of labour economics and industrial relations, 24(3), 279–294.
Amilon, A. (2009). Satisfaction and 'comparison sharing': What Influences Swedish Parents' Satisfaction with the Sharing of Parental Leave. Journal of Socio Economics, 38(4), 630-640. [4].
Scientific article 1. DEC 2009
Labor market
Labor market
Amilon, A., & Wallette, M. (2009). Work Absence: A Signalling Factor for Temporary Workers. LABOUR: Review of Labour Economics and Industrial Relations, 23(1), 171-194. [1].
Scientific article 1. DEC 2007
Labor market
Labor market
Amilon, A. (2007). On the Sharing of Temporary Parental Leave: The case of Sweden. review of economics of the household, 5(4), 385-404.