Alexandrina Schmidt
Children, Adolescents and Families
The Social Sector
Children, Adolescents and Families, The Social Sector
Key Expertise:
- Crime,
- Homelessness,
- Placement,
- Inequality and social heritage
Areas of work
Alexandrina Schmidt mainly works with social vulnerability and has a special interest in placement, homelessness and crime.
She primarily uses qualitative methods and has extensive experience in conducting qualitative interviews, both of socially vulnerable persons and professionals, as well as fieldwork. She has a special interest in the use of alternative and creative approaches in interviews, e.g. visual methods and narrative approaches, which allow for a more thorough description of the stakeholders’ reality.
Alexandrina Schmidt has an MSc in Sociology from University of Copenhagen. Her thesis dealt with the subject of street homelessness and the criminalisation of this life, using qualitative methods, including interviews, observation and visual methods. She was employed as a student assistant at the former SFI in 2013. During her study period, she performed various tasks, including analysis work, conducting interviews and writing of reports. Thus, she accumulated broad knowledge of various social groups, such as delinquents, homeless women, children and adolescents in placement, substance abusers and school-age adolescents. In the winter of 2019, Alexandrina Schmidt completed her thesis and was employed as a scientific assistant at VIVE, where she works in the social area.